
About me

About me: My name is Andres and in my spare time I make shirt designs. I live in the South of Netherlands together with my lovely wife and daughter. My daytime job is technician where I service and troubleshoot equipment for automated storage, and in my spare time I like to draw all kind of things. I always loved to draw and a couple of years ago in 2017 I started drawing again after a long period of drawing almost nothing.My first T-shirt design I've published online was a Scooby Doo fanart "Mystery inc meddling since 1969" ( see my first blog "Welcome"). I was born in 1977 and that's how I came up with my artist name, 1977 noted in hexadecimal is 7B9. So I started using Andres7B9  as artist / username because there are quite a few people with the name Andres who are creative and this name was one of the few still availlable. 

I try to keep this blog and other social media channels going but sometimes there are other priorities in my work or private life, so expect updates on not so regular bases. 

I started this blog of course to draw more attention to my shirts but because there are more things I want to say there will also be blogs or pages that are not promotional. 
If you have any questions or comments feel free to ask. 

Have a great day, and have fun reading my blogs.

Greeting Andres

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